Human Health Care System: A New Approach towards Life

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Authors: Suhas B. khadake, Amol Chounde, Buddhapriy B. Gopnarayan, Karan Babaso Patil, Shashikant S Kamble
Volume: 10 Issue: 2
Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.10.2.445 Pages: 5487-5494


Researchers have focused on human services checking frameworks in the last ten years. This is going to occur as a result of the world's rapid technological advancement. As a result, human labor is reduced, impacting human health. Social insurance specialists needed a reliable patient monitoring framework to keep tabs on their clients in the hospital or going about their daily lives. This paper introduces a framework for remote human services checking that can be accessed using a patient's mobile phone. This framework may provide real-time online data on the patient's physiological state. Our suggested framework will measure and filter crucial physiological data to provide an accurate picture of a patient's health and welfare. The human services professional may provide crucial therapeutic encouragement with the information in the email or content. The framework's main components are the temperature sensor, gyrator, and accelerometer. The GPS, microcontroller, and software, such as Raspbian and Disk Imager, round out the components. Our system records the patient's vitals, including their temperature, the number of steps they take each day, and the locations they visit. The Android app will show the time and total for drinking water, as well as an alert for the same, in addition to the notification parameters mentioned above.

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