Digital Libraries’ Sources and Services in EmergingEnvironment: A Study

Conference: Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
Author(s): G S Biradar Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.199 Page: 1156-1159


Library and information services are a key element in libraries since the ancient times. Their vital role is increasingly becoming a measure of the library’s contribution to the transformation and development of a society and the nation at large. The use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) has caused a transformation in the users’ perception from what is being hosted in the library to how and when services are rendered to fulfill their requests. Consequently, libraries are becoming less important for the material they collect or house. Instead, their importance is being measured in respect to the fulfillment of the users’ requests. The movement of material from publishers and hosting them for "just in case" some users will need them is being replaced by delivering materials from publishers “just in time” to answer the user’s needs. However, this transformation has brought a challenge in the field of library and information services of dealing with the everincreasing complexity of information, differentiating useful information from misinformation, and upholding the rising needs expectations of the users. This paper will discuss the available technological opportunities that can be used by the library and information services in addressing such challenges.


ICCTEST - 2017