To Improve the Plastic Component Quality using FMEAA Case Study

Conference: Recent Trends in Information Processing, Computing, Electrical and Electronics
Author(s): Rahul Kant Shrivas, Kamlesh Thakre, J K Pandey, Aditya Vidyarthi Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.IPCEE.2017.1.7 Page: 42-45


This article describes a structured approach where Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) are used in\ncombination to improve product quality of plastic component .this paper provides general overview of FMEA . Its\nmethodology for improve product quality. the principal concepts of this application is merged to to form a decision tool\nFMEA in its ability to identify the associated risk with that option to be addressed in the manufacturing system design and\nimplementation phases. In addition, this paper presents the result of a practical evaluation conducted in selected plastic\nindustry .\nThe engineering problem solving approaches can be applied to determine failure analysis of Plastics components used in\nengineering applications. however, it is important to define failure mode and failure mechanism. the failure mode analysis\neffort conducted on polymer materials provides a good materials database for computer-aided design engineers which in turn\ncan use the information to effectively model part reliability, thus reducing the need for complex and costly prototype testing.


IPCEE - 2017