PC to PC File Transmission using Li-Fi Technology
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe efficiency, durability, and lifetime of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have lead to their use in a variety of\napplications, including general illumination, vehicle lights, sign age, and displays. The designed prototype is based on visible\ncommunication system, which is to transfer data as well as text files from one PC to other PC. The basic idea is to send data\nand files as serial data using serial communication. To transmit the data, light emitting diodes are used at the transmitting end\nand for reception photodiodes are used at the receiver end. LED carries the data in the form of 1’s and 0’s by switching on\nand off the light at faster rates. The microcontrollers are used at both the ends for controlling the transmission and reception\nprocess, and also it does the data conversion from ASCII to binary at transmitter end and from binary to ASCII at the receiver\nend, to make data into a suitable file to be recognized by the PC software. In order to access the file and to transmit it serially\nLab VIEW programming is used. Thus the transmission of text file from one PC to other PC is carried out with the Li-Fi\ntechnology using LEDs and photodiodes, with the data rate of 1.136 kbps over the distance of 15cm successfully using light\nas the transmission medium. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |