Embedded, Real-Time Acquisition and Control System for Functional Validation of Automotive Spring Evaluation System
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe Automotive Spring Evaluation test is done to acquire the Real-time data for the functional verification of\nSpring systems of the car. The module which is going to be built will be of universal type. Universal will mean that, the\ndifferent type of Spring Evaluation systems of different car companies can be tested using a single machine. Basically, in this\nproject the Device Under Test is the Automotive Spring systems. Automotive Spring system is the Electro-Mechanical part,\nthere will be two potentiometers built inside the ASES (Automotive Spring Evaluation System). The signal is obtained based\non the force applied. Two potentiometer is connected to test the synchronous values of the signal obtained. The Real-time\ndata obtained due to the force applied on the spring system is sampled in terms of milliseconds, to obtain the better data\nreading ability. The test machine is built such that it can be controlled via PC. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |