Covert Transfer of Biometric Data using Steganography
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
Abstract“The secret between three people will remain secret provided, any two are dead” is a proverb which was coined by\nBenjamin Franklin. Today, the secured transfer of information is a very basic need. The rapid use of interconnected\ncomputing systems gives way for many different types of eavesdropping and has become a profession for many hackers. So\nthere is a need for the data being trans received to be having a secured mode of communication. Earlier, these authentication\nwas required just for delegates of higher order in the society as they were supposed to carry their transactions in a secured\nmode. But today, the security of data is of need even by a common lay man. For example, the issue of sim cards was taking\nplace after the through verification of person’s identity details as a hard copy. Whereas today, every transactions are digital in\nnature and it has reduced the time taken to authenticate the person so as to activate the service which he/she has requested for.\nBut on the other end, the issue of security is of major concern. This paper proposes a new technique using both cryptography\nand steganography methods which makes the covert data much secured. The results obtained in the simulation phase are so\npromising and are better than the ones existing in the current literature. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |