IoT based Health Monitoring System
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractIoT based health monitoring system demonstrate collection and interoperation of data, the data provided to the\ndoctor can support the emergency medical service for a patient for the improvement of healthcare. The sensors and Raspberry\nPi 3 Model B are the physical objects equipped for communicating with the doctor though internet. This proposal will help\nthe doctor to control the overall state of monitored patients independently and easily monitor the patient information from\nanywhere in the world. The system comprises of web server part: The sensors gather the medical information of the patient\nthat include patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse rate and the physical examine of the patient is also monitored\nthrough the Pi camera, and this information is sent to the Internet through Raspberry Pi which acts as a server. The doctor and\npatient can monitor the patient data from any place of the world through the provided IP server address anytime. The\nemergency alert is sent to the patient if the sensor value is exceeded the threshold data. Thus, the quality of care with regular\nmonitoring and reduce the cost of care and actively employ in data collection and analysis of the same is empowered and\nenhanced in IoT devices. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |