Filter Bank Realization of Discrete Wavelet Transform based Multiband Dynamic Range Control for Audio
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThis paper proposes a one-level one dimensional Discrete Wavelet Filter bank based Multiband Dynamic Range\nControl DRC for audio. Using different basis functions like daubechie, haar and dmeyer DWT decomposes input audio\nsignals into low and high frequency bands with the help of analysis filters, and these sub-bands are decimated by a factor of 2\nand inputted to DRC up-sampled by a factor of 2 after which need to be combined to reconstruct the original signal with the\nhelp of synthesis filters. The reconstructed signal is an exact replica of input signal called perfect reconstruction with better\nsound quality, very less computational time and best frequency response when compared to QMF filter bank. In DRC, multiband\ncompressor is used to apply compression differently to different frequency bands of the input signal, which uses\nminimum gain method. This allows the user to be selective about how compression is applied to a signal and only add power\nto certain parts of the frequency spectrum. Here limiter, compressor, expander and noise gate are used in the DRC, which\nprotects the AD converter from overload. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |