Trustworthy Collaborative Investigation System for Match Fixing in Cricket using Spectator Voting Scheme
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractCricket has a history of more than hundred years. In these years it has seen some extraordinary controversies like\nBody line series of 1930’s, Ball tampering rows and latest one is that of match fixing in cricket. According to Kevin\nCarpenter the author of “Match fixing –The biggest threat to sport in the 21st century”, the greatest threat to sport globally is\nmatch fixing. Match fixing in cricket is a rare event since not all cricket matches played are fixed. To verify rare events like\nmatch fixing in cricket infrequent pattern mining techniques are used.\nCollaborative filtering for match fixing in cricket is used to make recommendation, observation and analysis about players\nand others involved in match fixing based on other players, expert commentators and police views, observation and previous\nexperience. In this paper we are considering a trustworthy collaborative investigation system for match fixing in cricket using\nspectator voting scheme. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |