Synthesis of a Thinned Planar Antenna Array with Maximum Reduction in Peak Side Lobe Level using Modified Binary Coded Genetic Algorithm (MBC-GA)
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a randomized algorithm for the synthesis of a thinned planar antenna (TPA) array that\ngenerates a radiation pattern with maximum reduction in peak side lobe level (PSLL). The key purpose of this paper is to\nachieve a Peak side lobe level (PSLL), equal to or less than -25dB. A Modified Binary Coded GA (MBC-GA) is formulated\nto find out optimum positions of active and inactive elements by randomly switching on and switching off elements in\nrandom position to attain the suppressed peak side lobe level (PSLL). A randomized Crossover and mutation techniques are\nformulated and included in normal BCGA to devise the MBC-GA. For validating the effectiveness of proposed method, a\n12x12 TPA is taken into consideration in present study. Their results are put side by side with the previously proposed works\ncontaining similar design specifications. Comparison exhibits the superiority of our method in reducing of peak side lobe\nlevels at bore sight. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |