Study and Analysis of Speech Disfluency for Real Time Applications
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractSpeech is an important mode of communication for humans with them as well as with machines in real time\napplications. In many interactive applications machines or systems has to process and recognize the speech signal as a source\nof data and it has to respond accordingly. This speech recognition will be handled by Automatic Speech Recognition system.\nThese ASR will recognize the fluent speech, but if it is a disfluent speech the ASR requires more time or it may not be able to\nrecognize the disfluent speech. Disfluency, is a speech disorder includes blockages, prolongations, repetitions, apraxia and\ninterjections, also known as stuttered voice or stammering voice. In order to recognize the stuttered voices different features\nare extracted using MFCC,LPC,LPCC,DTW etc techniques and it will classified using ANN,HMM,KNN,SVM techniques. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |