Design and Implementation of Dual Frequency, SDCM Corrections for GNSS
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractAtmospheric Errors causes rapid change in the amplitude and phase of a radio signal as it passes through smallscale\nplasma density irregularities in the ionosphere and troposphere. These errors reduce accuracy of GLONASS receiver\npseudorange and carrier phase measurements. To ensure the accuracy and integrity of user position estimates based upon\nGLONASS navigation System measurements, System of Differential Correction and Monitoring (SDCM) involve in\nproviding accurate corrections for atmospheric delays. SDCM is an SBAS augmentation system to GLONASS constellation\nand is used for navigation and precision user position approach. The performance of dual frequency system reflects the\nelimination of ionosphere errors in terms of integrity. In this paper the dual frequency of SBAS, SDCM corrections for\natmospheric errors are simulated and analyzed. The analysis of this paper assures that the user position obtained using SDCM\nand GLONASS signals errors gives more accurate position, whereas the GLONASS system alone gives a lesser amount of\naccurate position. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |