Enhancing AES Algorithm with Delay Optimization to Reduce Power Analysis Attack
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe world is dependent on communication which requires the role in exchanging information and they have to be\nsecured so that it will not be misused, this raised the concept of Encryption. One of the methodology used for encryption is\nAES algorithm. In this paper a cryptographical AES algorithm is implemented which is used for network security. In this\nalgorithm a 128 bit plain text is bitwise Xored with 128bit key followed by a sequence of operations to produce a 128bit\nblock cipher. This method is easier and faster to implement because the same key is used in both encryption and decryption ,\nwhich in turn helps in high security. One of the threats in cryptography is Power analysis attack which may be because of\ntiming attack, power consumption monitoring ,cache attack etc. The paper mainly concentrates on reducing time delay and\nthus reducing timing attacks. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |