A Performance Analysis on Cloud based Mobile Augmentation in Mobile Cloud Computing
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractMobile Cloud Computing involves three major components like mobile, cloud and wireless network wherein the\ndata storage and processing will be done outside the mobile. This directly enhances the processing power, battery life and\nstorage capacity as the resource intensive applications are moved onto the cloud. In this paper, we analyze the performance of\nthe mobile by executing the task on the mobile, local server and cloud. Three different methods were used for execution and\nthe program for generating prime numbers was used for the study. In the first method, the entire program was executed on\nmobile. In the second method, the input and output happens on the mobile and execution of generating prime numbers was\ndone on local server. In the third method, the input and output happens on mobile and execution of generating prime numbers\nwas done on cloud. The parameters considered for the measurement are the mobile energy consumption and execution time\ntaken to execute the program. The results show that as the computation increases it is better to offload the task on the cloud or\nlocal server than executing on the mobile |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |