Comprehensive Study of Different ROF Modulation Schemes in Optical Fiber Communication
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe ever growing broadband internet applications have increased the traffic capacity and demand for wide\nnetwork coverage. Radio over fiber (ROF) is a combination of Wireless as front end and Optical Fiber Communication as\nBack-haul networks. ROF network provides mobility for users with high quality bandwidth and better geographical access. In\nthis paper, we analyze Q-factor, BER and eye patterns for various Modulation schemes such as MSK, DPSK, OQPSK, CPFSK\nand Q-CPFSK (Quadrature) by means of Bit-rate and fiber length. Our Simulation results shows that Q-CPFSK gives better\nperformance compared to other schemes at Optical Carrier Frequency of 193.1THz. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |