Blu-Ray Media Decryption on MAGIK Board based on I.MX6 Processor
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe digital optical storage device that is currently supporting high definition format is Blu-ray disc. Blu-ray disc,\nmostly preferred by major Hollywood movie studios to store their high definition content is protected from unauthorized\naccess, by digital rights management technology. Digital rights management restricts the use of discs by imposing several\nencryption techniques in which Advanced Access Control System, Blu-ray disc+ are among them. In order to remove the\nprotection, many ripping tools are available in the internet. Instead of paying for the softwares, a method of removing\nprotection from Blu-ray is explained here. In this paper, decryption and streaming of Blu-ray video on MAGIK board is\naccomplished using the libraries provided by Videolan organization. The MAGIK (Media Accelerated Graphics Innovation\nKit) board is a computer on module based on NXP’s i.MX6 processor. Dynamic link libraries are obtained by cross\ncompiling the VLC libraries. Finally with the help of these DLL’s, Blu-ray decryption and playback is accomplished. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |