Detection of Diabetic Retina using Vascular Skeleton and its Fractal Dimension
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe main intention of this work is to reduce retinal disorders in younger generation. Diabetic Retinopathy is most\ncommon disease of all diabetic patients caused due to the changes in blood vessels of retina. Retina images are obtained from\nthe fundus camera and graded by skilled professionals. However there is a considerable shortage of expert observers has\nencouraged computer assisted monitoring. The severity of this disease includes formation of exudates, micro aneurysm and\nhemorrhages. The retinal blood vessel differs for every individual and this paves the way to use human retinal blood vessels\nas a reliable way for identifying the person. Compared to other biometric technologies the error rate is smaller because the\nretina is an internal layer in the eye which is well protected to the changes in the outer environment. The blood vessel\nstructure will stay almost similar in a person’s lifespan varying only when any of the ophthalmological diseases are caused.\nRetinal blood vessel extraction is a major step for identification process which is followed by fractal dimension calculation.\nDifferent person’s results in different fractal dimension values. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |