A Study of Acoustic Characteristics, Prosodic and Distinctive Features of Dysarthric Speech
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractSpeech can convey the information more than hundreds of signals, hence speech is one of the most information\nlaid signal. Dysarthria is one of the speech pathology as a result of damage to the mind. Dysarthria can also originate at birth\nbecause of cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy or may additionally arise later in life because of one of many numerous\nsituations that involve the apprehensive gadget which includes stroke, brain injury, tumors, parkinson’s disease and more\nthan one sclerosis. This paper focuses on literature review in the analysis of motor speech disorder, work related to different\ntypes of Dysarthria , Speech characteristics like prosody Features, Acoustic Analysis, distinctive features of Dysarthric\nspeech in estimating integillibility assessments. One of the demanding challenges in understanding speech motor disorders\nnormally is to distinguish impairments of phonology from impairments of motor control. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |