Enhanced Performance Analysis of Active Filter over Passive Filter in Power Quality Issues
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractOwing to the improvement in power semiconductor devices, now days it is more common to use non-linear\ndevices. But because of these non-linear devices a major problem called harmonics is introduced in the power system which\ndistorts the source current as well as voltage. Hence we have to reduce these harmonics by some means to improve the\nquality of power. The T.H.D has been improved in the present paper by using Shunt Passive Filter (SPF) and Shunt Active\nPower Filter (SAPF) and at the end comparative analysis of both the methods has been done. The SAPF uses p-q theory for\nproducing the source current and hysteresis method for generating the gate pulses. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |