Design of High-Speed FPGA based Data Acquisition System
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe key factors which influence the overall performance of the CT system are gantry, X-ray source, high powered\ngenerator, detector and detector electronics, data transmission systems and the computer system for image reconstruction and\nmanipulation. It is a challenge in CT Systems to enable maximum data transmission from the rotating gantry to operator\nconsole for real-time data processing. FPGA based Data Acquisition System is viable choice for gathering data with\nnumerous channels, high precision and high sampling rate. In this study, a FPGA based Data Acquisition System for an\nincreased data sample size has been proposed for CT Scanners. The system consists of two entities: Signal Processing Unit,\nData Acquisition Unit. The Data Acquisition Unit has been designed by VHDL, simulated using Quartus II version 9.1 and\nimplemented on Altera EP2AGX65.The main objective of the study is to enable maximum data transfer to the operator\nconsole without any losses. In the proposed Data Acquisition System, the maximum data rate was attained with a sampling\nfrequency of 2460. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |