An Overview of the International GNSS Service (IGS)
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is the navigation system which provides the geographic\ncoordinate of a particular location on the Earth irrespective of time, weather and at any conditions. The International GNSS\nService (IGS) based on GNSS have more than 500 stations around the world, controlled by International Association of\nGeodesy (IAG). Currently, the IGS analysis centres provide the three-dimensional position and velocity solution of stations\non a daily basis. These combined solutions contribute to International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The IGS stations\nplay a significant involvement in relative GNSS positioning. The relative GNSS positioning system is used to get the high\nlevel of accuracy of another type of GNSS stations like permanent GNSS stations, campaign mode GNSS stations. The IGS\nstations also contribute in the field of climate modelling, meteorology and space weather applications. The main aim of this\narticle is to present an overview of IGS stations and its contribution in different field. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |