PLCs based Remote Laboratory Platform for Learning Electrical Drive Control Applications
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractThe paper presents a low-cost PLCs based remote laboratory platform to learn practical work in the field of drive\ncontrol. The platform is communicable through the internet enables students to perform experiments and to control laboratory\nequipment remotely. The Internet technology has provided additional teaching strategies, with online education being one of\nthe most exciting enhancements. Many teaching institutions worldwide are working on distance learning applications.\nDistance learning can thereby share and make available their various resources, thereby maximizing their use of the\nlaboratories and reducing costs. The present paper introduces a remote laboratory platform designed to be used in industries.\nThe platform is communicable via Internet which includes programmable logic controllers and electrical drives.\nFurthermore, WiFi module is used to support for internet connection. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |