Cognitive Radio does wonders to VANET
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractIn cognitive radio the most important and re-searched issue is spectrum sensing for the communication techniques.\nSpectrum sensing is a technology which helps the detection of the presence of primary user. Likely, vehicular networks was\nput under surveillance due to increasing traffic congestion and accidents. An efficient network can not only improve the\ncommunication between vehicles but also reduces the risk of congestion and accidents. VANET have in recent year gained a\nlot attention. Vehicular Ad-hoc network is used for intelligent transportation wherein the ad-hoc network protocol is used to\ntransmit information reliably and efficiently over network. But at same hand characteristics of VANET, including high-speed\nmobility, channel fading property, channel competition mechanism, and various quality of service (QoS) of user services,\netc., offer certain hurdles for the data transmission in VANET. To overcome these challenges and difficulties many solutions\nand methodologies came up where cluster-based scheme for data transmission in VANET topped the list until cooperative\nsensing technique was employed to VANET. In this paper, we put into practice both the techniques namely, clustering-based\nscheme and co-operative sensing for data transmission in VANET, and then a stark contrast between the two methodologies\nwill be put up in terms of their performance parameters with respect to number of vehicles. The numerical results and\nsimulation graphs will demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |