Automatic Fracture Detection in Bone Images
Conference: McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
AbstractAutomatic fracture detection in a bone image of any modalities is considered as an important process in medical\nimage analysis by both orthopedic and radiologic point of view. The proposed research work use an algorithm can detect the\nfracture automatically in long bones (Tibia bones) images of any modalities and the detection process is carried out in three\nsteps, namely preprocessing, segmentation and bone fracture detection. Based on the algorithm result it is possible to\ndistinguish between fractured and non fractured bone images. The research work is carried out using Matlab 13.0 as the\nprogramming tool; the result obtained from algorithm shows approximately 80% accuracy in the fracture detection in bone\nimage. |
MH-ICSIPCA - 2017 |