IoT based Precision Agriculture using Wireless Sensor Networks

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Authors: Chaitanya Basawade, Arjun Yachwad, Mangesh Gund, Prashant Walunj, Santosh Warpe
Volume: 6 Issue: 2
Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.6.2.1_2 Pages: 9-13


Agriculture plays a significant role in the economic development of India; therefore, we need to carry out new technologies for Precision Agriculture. Manual methods for soil analysis give inaccurate values because there is a difference between soil samples at the field and measuring in the laboratory with technologies. In India, it is required for automated distribution of fertilizers and technologies because most of the farmers use traditional types of farming, which gives less amount of productivity concerning intense hard work and efforts. The productivity of India is less as compared to other countries. To enhance productivity and profit margin, the adaptation of new technologies can help us to a great extent. So, this paper is based on a survey of Wireless Sensor Network because these technologies are useful for the quality and standard of agriculture. This paper presents the study of Wireless Sensor Network that can be suitable for agriculture for automated farming. This paper will suggest the farmers make the proper choice, obtain superior output, and be economically strong.

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