Design and Simulation of Generation Control Loops for Multi Area Interconnected System

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Authors: Abhilash M G, Frenish C Francis
Volume: 1 Issue: 2
Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.1.2.556 Pages: 108-115


This work deals with the automatic generation control (AGC) of interconnected thermal systems with combination of the automatic voltage control (AVR). In this particular work three thermal areas connected with tie-line are considered. The primary purpose of the AGC is to balance the total system generation against system load plus losses so that the desired frequency and power interchange with neighboring areas are maintained. Any mismatch between generation and demand causes the system frequency to deviate from scheduled value. Thus high frequency deviation may lead to system collapse. Further the role of automatic voltage regulator is to hold terminal voltage magnitude of synchronous generator at a specified level. The interaction between frequency deviation and voltage deviation is analyzed in this paper. System performance has been evaluated at various loading disturbances.

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