Extraction and Representation of Prosodic Features for Automatic Speaker Recognition Technology

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering
Authors: Nilu Singh, R. A. Khan
Volume: 2 Issue: 1
Grenze ID: 01.GIJCTE.2.1.11 Pages: 1-7


To recognize emotion from a speech signal, the feature extraction technique used is known as Prosodic features extraction technique. It is most common methodology to emotion recognition depend on utterance level. Current studies shows that segmental spectral features of a speech signal rely on utterance level measurements also encloses rich information about articulateness and emotion.Automatic Speaker Recognition technology can be defined as it is a task by which recognize speakers from their speech/voice. Speaker Recognition has covered several speaker specific tasks, the task can be categories as text dependent and text independent. Speaker recognition can be dividing in some specific task such as speaker verification, speaker identification, speaker clustering, speaker segmentation, speaker diarization and speaker detection etc.In this paper discussed about the prosodic features for feature extraction from a speech signal. In term of speaker recognition prosodic compute many features as duration, pitch, intensity, speech rate, tone, stress etc.

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