A Novel MO-DXCCII based CMQO Operated at Low Voltage

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Authors: Atul Kumar, Bhartendu Chaturvedi
Volume: 2 Issue: 2
Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.2.2.26 Pages: 9-17


In this paper, a new current-mode quadrature oscillator (CMQO) is proposed using two grounded capacitors and two resistors along with two multi-output dual-X second generation current conveyors (MO-DXCCII). The proposed circuit provides three current outputs simultaneously with high output impedances. The circuit of proposed quadrature oscillator also enjoys the low active and passive sensitivities. The new circuit is suited for high frequency and low operating voltage operation also. The proposed circuit is also made resistorless by using MOS based active resistors. HSPICE simulation results are given to confirm the theory.

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