Development and Implementation of Mixing Unit usingPLC

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Authors: Dilbin Sebastian, George Jacob, Hani Mol A A, Indu Lakshmi B, Rajani S H
Volume: 1 Issue: 2
Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.1.2.538 Pages: 57-61


Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world economy. It uses control systems and information technologies to reduce the human effort in the field of industries. In our project we are developing a system that uses automation in the paint mixing. The paint will be produced by means of mixing different colors according to a fixed proportion. The entire system will be continuously monitored by Supervisory Control AndData Acquisition system and it is controlled by Programmable Logic Controller. The process has mainly 3 steps including paint mixing, transportation and packing section. Initially the paint will be formed based on our required proportion of colors and is then transported to the packing section via conveyor belt. Finally it is packed and sealed in the packing section. This system is properly controlled using PLC and the user can enter the required proportion of color via SCADA.

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