Functional electric stimulator (FES) is a device which is used to apply electric
pulses to a muscle to trigger the movement. FES is most effective in treating conditions like
foot drop, Spinal cord injury and rehabilitation. FES helps to restore mobility by applying
electrical pulses to the paralyzed muscles so as to enhance that person’s ability to function
and live independently. Existing FES is of high cost thus not affordable by most of the
people in India. FES thus designed is cost effective and is focused on rehabilitation. It has
both current and voltage regulated stimulation system. It has dual microcontrollers.
Arduino due is used as the master controller. It takes various parameters from the slave
devices and triggers the device accordingly. It also controls the device by mapping input on
to the output. Arduino Uno is used solely for the generation of the stimulation signal. Serial
peripheral interface (SPI) and I2C protocols are used to communicate between master and
slaves. Due to its cost effectiveness it will be of great use for middle class community.