Application of Different Filters for Noise Removal in Digital Images

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering
Authors: Sampath Kumar R, Satish Kumar .T, K M Nagaraja, Geetha G
Volume: 3 Issue: 4
Grenze ID: 01.GIJCTE.3.4.76 Pages: 514-520


Digital Image Processing (DIP) alludes to the processing of digital images by utilizing digital PC. In the process of transmission, the noise will get added to the image which can be removed by suitable filters. Since image quality determines the accuracy of the result, noise reduction is important. The work enforces on reducing the noise using different filters with different noises being applied on common digital images. The subjective and additionally quantitative examination of channel exhibitions on the distinctive commotions is finished. For the quantitative investigation, the parameters utilized are MSE, PSNR, CoC and MAE. For quality analysis, resultant images are used using the MATLAB 14b is used for simulation.

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