High Efficient Proposed MPPT Algorithm Applied to
PV Integrated UPS
GRENZE International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering
Divyashree T M, Suresha C
Grenze ID:
With the rise in power demand and depletion of conventional energy resources,
the cost of conventional energy has gone up in recent times. In this regard a promising
alternative Solar energy has emerged today. Since environmental condition changes PV
array’s maximum power changes accordingly, to get peak power various “Maximum Power
Point Tracking (MPPT)” techniques are available. Presently various methods are available
to maintain the PV system to operate at peak power point. among various techniques,
techniques which are simple and less cost are fractional2short-circuit current and fractional
open-circuit voltage schemes. In order to measure a Isc and Voc for reference, disconnection
of PV cells or short circuit of the PV cells are required periodically. resulting in degradation
of utilized power. Perturb and Observe (P and O) MPPT algorithm is a much better technique
which avoids this problem and has a better tracking profile. Even though this method has
limitations in conditions where the variation in solar irradiation and temperature is fast,
this method is quite popular due to the simplicity in its implementation and low resource
requirement. This method works on the principle of perturbing and fixing the operating
point based on the change in transferred power. Thus present paper focuses on developing a
simple, effective new9proposed MPPT algorithm for charge controller, to charge Lead acid
batteries from a photovoltaic panel and to integrate it into the Online UPS. Thus power
consumption from the grid reduces, with the use of renewable energy source which is
available plenty. The paper involves design and simulation of the hardware controller
circuit along with the development of new proposed MPPT algorithm for the charge
controller and effective current sharing technique for effective utilization of grid power.