An IOT Enabled Connected Homes

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering
Authors: Shruthi K R, K Natarajan
Volume: 3 Issue: 4
Grenze ID: 01.GIJCTE.3.4.70 Pages: 471-476


This paper proposes a reliable and efficient way to control the different loads through cloud and also an efficient way to detect the harm full gas in an apartment and send email to all the homes through cloud. The main aim of the project is to establish wireless communication between the homes in an apartment by which common information can be shared with in the apartment. Common information such as water level in tank, if fire is detected ,any intruder entering the apartment ,all these information is shared to all the residence in the apartment. Loads are integrated to the ESP 8266 12 microcontroller, which has a serial wifi module which is used to establish wireless communication. With the help of amazon cloud loads of the home can be controlled from anywhere which helps in energy conservation. Whenever fire is detected in any of the homes in apartment smoke is detected and this information is send to amazon cloud, cloud will send the email to all the homes in the apartment regarding the fire detected. By adopting this we are benefited with energy saving, to provide comfort, can control the switches from anywhere and also security solutions.

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