Intelligent Oil Spill Detection in Ocean using
Internet of Underwater Things
GRENZE International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering
Abhijith. H. V, S. Deepak Raj, H. S. Ramesh Babu
Grenze ID:
About two-third of the earth is covered with water. Oceanographic research is
one of the prominent area of research. A major area of oceanic research is detection of oil
spills. Ocean is a home for several aquatic creatures. Every year many aquatic creatures
loose life because of pollution that occurs through the leakage of oil. Oil leakage occurs due
to several reasons like breakage of oil pipes, leakage of oil from ships and through industrial
wastes. Oil spill detection is a very important challenge faced by researchers in
oceanographic domain. In this paper we present a new scheme of detection of oil spill using
Internet of things. We propose a method of applying Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to
detect oceanic oil spills. In addition we propose inclusion of intelligence at multiple
aggregation levels to improve efficiency of deployed network. As additional intelligence is
granted to sensor nodes, instead of being passive detectors, they work as intelligent
observers, thereby making the detection process, an inter-network of intelligent nodes.