Residence Energy Power Regulation by Employing Wireless Smart Socket and IoT

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering
Authors: Sharath. S, Shakthi Murugan. R, Rohit. R. Talanki, B. G. Shivaleelavathi
Volume: 3 Issue: 4
Grenze ID: 01.GIJCTE.3.4.25 Pages: 169-173


The non-renewable resources on green earth are being exhausted so, it is a duty of all human beings to save the energy which should be followed in our everyday life. The implementation of energy control on some appliances is an effective method to save energy at a residence, since it prevents users from consuming too much energy and by this the user can have a track on amount of energy consumed. Therefore, in this paper, an intelligent energy control scheme, named the Residence Energy Power Regulation by Employing Wireless Smart Socket and IoT (REPRESS) is proposed, which is implemented by designing a smart socket and Internet of Things technology to minimize energy consumption of home appliances without the use of sensors as they themselves consume energy and should have power supply connected to it always. The existing methods use sensors and has smart socket that should be connected to individual loads. The REPRESS contains single controller to keeps track on status of all connected loads. The REPRESS provides four control modes, including automatic control, user control, peak-time control, and energy-limit control. The former two can be implemented to control all loads in a house, while the latter two are implemented on certain loads, to achieve energy control.

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