Smart Controllers for Switch Reluctance Motor

Journal: GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Authors: Babitha .S, Jyoti Koujalagi
Volume: 3 Issue: 3
Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.3.3.63 Pages: 69-72


Switched reluctance motor promises to be a smart candidate for variable speed applications. To remain competitive, motors will have to be efficient ,better connected, more efficient, more flexible and safe. This paper discusses the need of smart direct of switched reluctance for changing industrial landscape. Switched reluctance motor is energy efficient and enables smart motor control solutions. Control system of such a motor has to invariably incorporate functions of sensing the rotor position, phase voltage and current thereby controlling the system parameters in the direction to make operational decisions in an adaptive manner, and perform smart actions. This data should be capable of being accessed and analyzed using sophisticated analytics tools, making the motor control even smarter easily.

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