Biometric Identification using Lip Imprint with Hybrid Feature Extraction Techniques

Conference: Seventh International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing
Author(s): Semonti Chowdhury, Joydev Hazra, Satarupa Bagchi Biswas Year: 2016
Grenze ID: 02.ITC.2016.7.524 Page: 7-17


This paper is representing a hybrid feature extraction technique for biometric identification using lip imprint. This research work combined the shape and texture features of human lip imprint. Canny Edge Detection Algorithm is used here to extract the shape features and to extract texture features GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) is calculated. The whole set of complied features are then inputted to the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to identify and/or verify the corresponding person.


ITC - 2016