Part of Speech TAGGER for MARATHI Language

Conference: Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology
Author(s): Shubhangi Rathod, Sharvari Govilkar, Sagar Kulkarni Year: 2016
Grenze ID: 02.CIIT.2016.6.515 Page: 131-138


A part of speech (POS) tagging is one of the most well studied problems in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS) tagging means assigning grammatical classes i.e. appropriate parts of speech tags like noun, adjective, verb, adverb etc to each word in a natural language sentence/word. The main challenge in POS tagging is to resolving the ambiguity in possible POS tags for a word so disambiguation rules and Tagset is vital parts of POS tagger. POS tagging is difficult for Marathi language due to unavailability of corpus for computational processing. In this paper, a POS Tagger for Marathi language using Rule based technique is presented. Our proposed system find root word using morphological analyzer and compare the root word with corpus to assign appropriate tag. If word has assigned more than one tags then by using grammar rules ambiguity is removed. Meaningful rules are provided to improve the performance of the system.


CIIT - 2016