Word Prediction using LPC in Language Models

Conference: Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
Author(s): Akshatha K.V, D.J Ravi Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.174 Page: 1007-1013


InLinear Prediction Filter method to predict a part-of-speech-based word prediction model and a word based linear prediction model to accomplish word prediction tasks. In order to find a set of mathematical equations to properly describe the word prediction the model is based on partial differential equations is proposed.Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) is a technique that attempts to derive the coefficients of a filter that would produce the utterance.To predict a word the system is trained first. We are extracting the feature of the word which has to be predict during training stage. In testing stage the feature of the input speech signal is compared with trained data. When the features of the input speech signal and trained data are matched then the word is predicted. This paper focuses on combining a word based n-gram and m-POS based word model to find the best matching word.


ICCTEST - 2017