Controllers for Power Oscillation Damping bySTATCOM With Energy Storage

Conference: Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
Author(s): Padmashree V. Kulkarni Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.155 Page: 895-900


This paper offers with the outline of an adaptive power oscillation damping (POD) controller for a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) outfitted with vitality stockpiling. That is done the use of a signal estimation technique taking into account a changed recursive least square (RLS) calculation, which allows a fast, particular, and versatile estimation of the low-recurrence electro-mechanical motions from locally measured signals over the span of power machine unsettling influences. The proposed methodology is successful in developing the damping of the system on the frequencies of interest, also inside the instance of system parameter instabilities and at various association purposes of the compensator. To begin with, the assessment of enthusiastic and receptive vitality infusion into the quality contraption could be played out the utilization of a simple four-system machine adaptation. A control procedure that improves dynamic and responsive force infusion at different association variables of the STATCOM will be inferred utilizing the rearranged model. Small signal analysis of the element execution of the proposed control system could be executed. Here two controllers proposed and efficiency of the proposed controller is verified by simulation results.


ICCTEST - 2017