Integration of Diverse Availability of Data forExtracting Semantic Properties

Conference: Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
Author(s): Mohan Kumar A V, Shankara Gowda S R, Nanda Kumar A N Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.115 Page: 662-666


We have many industries and companies today which are generating enormous amount of data in many diverse formats, either it may be structural or may it be in unstructured formats. There is need for extracting the semantic properties of these data are vital, the data available should be made use and repetitive work should be avoided as such, this can be achieved by analyzing the semantic properties hidden in the abundant data. For example, mobile operating companies usually have their clients who provide personal data in different form. However, making these diverse data into meaningful text requires lot of manual data processing which involves recognizing different formats of data, processing them and presenting in usable formats require further processing. Currently there is no automated software tool as such which can do this tedious work. In this paper, we are trying to propose a novel integrating tool which can extract the data from heterogeneous source and this tool can analyze the semantically properties involved in the data.


ICCTEST - 2017