Effects of Selected Asanas on Physical Fitness andAnxiety Level among Post Graduate Male Students

Conference: Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
Author(s): Shivashankara, Basavaraj V Dammalli Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.53 Page: 319-322


For this study 30 male PG students were selected from Davanagere university, Davanagere through fitness test it was decided that all the students were suitable for this study. Trainees of the experimental group were trained daily for an hour which includes some yogic breathing exercise for five minutes followed by Asanas and Pranayam. The training Schedule included-Asanas and physical exercises such as abdominal strength test, 50 yards dash test for speed, Harvard test for Endurance, Shoulder flexibility test for flexibility and agility to assess the effect of asana on fitness of male students. “t” test was used to find out the significant of mean difference of physical fitness among pretest and post test. The statistical significant level was 0.05.The “t” proved that there is significant effect of six week training on physical and anxiety level of male students.


ICCTEST - 2017