Development and Characterization ofMicromeshonvarious UV LaserExposureConditionsUsing ScanningMicrostereolithography

Conference: Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
Author(s): Prasanna, Vibhas Purushothaman, Vishwanath B R Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.29 Page: 169-174


Microstereolithography is one of the additive manufacturing technique to fabricate micro components by photopolymerization of liquid monomer upon UV light exposure.In this work optimization of UVLaser (Ar+ ion) exposure on the photocurable mixture of 1,6Hexane dioldiacrylate (HDDA) monomer andphotoinitiatorBenjoin ethyl ether(BEE) isachievedby using Scanning Microstereolithography(SμSL)system with computer controlled precision linear positioning X-Y-Z stages. Micromesheswere fabricated successfully for various laser power and laser scan rate.Characterizations of micromeshesare observed underLext 3D image viewingConfocal microscope and Scanning Electron microscope. Micromeshes were compared with parameters likeCure width, surface finish and dimensional integrity. Effects of laser exposure parameters on polymer Microstereolithography of micromesh were observed.An optimized UV Laser exposure parameters were fixed for the photopolymerization of 1,6HDDA.Based on the results, multilayeredMicromeshes are successfully fabricated with less thermal distortion. Micromeshes with high aspect ratio and good structural integrity broadens application for Microstereolithography.


ICCTEST - 2017