Performance Evaluation: Lessons from the CorporateSector

Conference: Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology
Author(s): Amrutraj Ravi Benahal Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.22 Page: 130-134


Just as the meaning of performance differs in different contexts, performance appraisal needs to be understood within each sector. While the concept has been applied in librarianship for many decades in one or the other form, there is a lack of clarity on how it can be best undertaken. It is the responsibility of the employer to devise some measure for taking decisions on incentives, promotions and training. In a broader sense, the library sector is part of the information industry, where information can be viewed as a commodity. One way to address the practical difficulties in the implementation of performance evaluation methods and lack of standards for defining performance itself is to review new approaches and best practices adopted by the corporate sector. Taking this approach, the present study attempts to throw some light on some implementable corporate strategies on measuring performance in librarianship.


ICCTEST - 2017