An Insight into the Fundamentals of Neural Networks and Working of Back Propagation Algorithm

Conference: Third International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Computer Networks - ComNet
Author(s): Srishti P Mishra Year: 2015
Grenze ID: 02.COMNET.2015.3.19 Page: 11-16


This research paper aims at explaining the fundamentals of neural network with a very different approach by first taking a real life example to bring simplicity. Also, beginning by explaining a biological neuron which is the real working model of an artificial neuron and diving in to discuss the structural aspects of a neural network along with the activation functions that act as decision makers for an input to a neuron. Further it covers the mathematical aspects of training a neural network by discussing the back propagation algorithm which has been widely accepted as the best known method to learn a neural network. Although a theoretical insight into the concept of neural networks, this paper is a precursor to an implementation of Financial Predictor which is still in progress.


COMNET - 2015