A Contemporary Loom for Customization and Visualization KNN and Naive Bayes Algorithms

Conference: Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering
Author(s): Bipin Nair B J Year: 2014
Grenze ID: 02.ACE.2014.5.566 Page: 255-262


The purpose of the paper “A Contemporary Loom For Customization and Visualization of KNN and Naive Data Mining Algorithms” aims at customizing the existing data mining algorithms to provide an interpretable output with an efficient and interactive visualization. The Data mining algorithms are chosen from specific areas like classification. The algorithms are made customizable such that it can adapt to user requirements. The visualization provided for the mined outputs are made interactive such that even a naïve user can interpret the output.The available data mining tools require expert users to carry out experiments. The scope of this relies in the area of visualization of the mined data. The visualizations can be made interactive such that the outputs can be easily interpreted by the user with less effort.


ACE - 2014