Rule based Recognition of Printed Telugu Numerals

Conference: Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering
Author(s): Ch N Manisha, Sundara Krishna Y K, Sreenivasa Reddy E Year: 2014
Grenze ID: 02.ACE.2014.5.31 Page: 143-151


There are many people in India who speak Telugu language widely. It is an official language of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States. In this paper, proposing some rules for recognizing printed Telugu numerals. The method recognized Telugu numerals by zoning method, end points method and cavity method. The rules used 2×2 zoning method, number of end points, position of endpoints in the zones and to identify whether the numeral contains cavity or not. This method more efficiently and easily recognized the printed numerals with these simple rules.


ACE - 2014