Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Banking and Financial Sector: Emerging Research Directions

Conference: International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Author(s): Pavitha N, Shounak Sugave Year: 2022
Grenze ID: 02.CEEE.2022.7.506 Page: 45-52


Explainability in automated decision-making confirms transparency and trust among\nvarious stakeholders of the artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem. The banking and finance\nsector (BFS) is the lifeline of an economy; the sector is experiencing massive technological\ndisruption and innovations. The adoption of new technologies such as explainable artificial\nintelligence (XAI) has promising features at various levels of decision-making in BFS. This\npaper contributes to elaborating the emerging paradigms of XAI and presents future research\ndirections in BFS. In conclusion, the paper recommends explainable, transparent, and\ntrustworthy AI models for a stable, healthy and contributory BFS.


CEEE - 2022