Hyper Securitization using Predictive Policing and Surveillance Penology

Conference: 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering
Author(s): R. Rama Rajesh, R. Pavitra Lakshmi, S. SadhikaPreethi, J. Shifana Year: 2021
Grenze ID: 02.ICIEICE.2021.1.6_1 Page: 42-45


Pre-crime society, in which information technology strategies and techniques such as\npredictive policing, actuarial justice and surveillance penology are used to achieve hypersecuritization.\nPre-crime intervenes to punish, disrupt, incapacitate or restrict those deemed to\nembody future crime threats. Data mining can be used as a tool to model criminal behaviour,\ndetect it, and prevent it. Predictive policing refers to the usage of mathematical, predictive\nanalytics, and other analytical techniques in law enforcement to identify potential criminal\nactivity. Penology is a sub-component of criminology that deals with the philosophy and\npractice of various societies. Using these techniques to criminal data where exploratory data\nanalysis is conducted for visualization and trends prediction. We use the classification\nalgorithm, to classify the dataset based the certain pattern. In the new era of technological\nadvancement, crime prevention has become one of the major concerns of criminology. Criminal\nbehaviour is discussed from legal, biological, psychological, and socio-political points of view.\nCriminological responsibilities are outlined with relation to the constituent elements of criminal\npolicy: law, penal sanctions, administration of justice, and social prevention of crime. The\nconcept of environmental criminology aspect can help to reduce crime and victimization of\nvictims. These promising outcomes will benefit for police departments and law enforcement\norganizations to better understand crime issues and provide insights that will enable them to\ntrack activities, predict the likelihood of incidents, effectively deploy resources and optimize the\ndecision-making process.


ICIEICE - 2021