Heat Transfer Augmentation Factor with Square Pin Fin Arrays

Conference: Advances in Robotics, Mechanical Engineering and Communication
Author(s): L. K. Sahoo, M. K. Roul, R. K. Swain Year: 2018
Grenze ID: 02.ARMEC.2018.7.501 Page: 17-24


Theoretical studies and analysis on laminar natural convection heat transfer from\na plain plate and square pin finned plate have been carried out in this study to predict the\naverage Nusselt number in stream-wise, span-wise directions, fin aspect ratio and its\ninclination.\nObjective: The objective of the present patents is to provide more understanding on the\ndistributions of local and average Nusselt numbers on the vertical plate with fins\n(conductive as well as non-conductive) in laminar natural convection. In this patent we also\npredict the average Nusselt number of the plate as a function of fin spacing in stream and\nspan wise direction, aspect ratio of fins, fin height, fin thickness and angle of inclination of\nfins.\nMethodology/approach: A finite volume numerical scheme is used in this patent to predict\nthe flow field and the Nusselt number with the simultaneous computation of temperature\nfield near the plate. Heat transfer behavior with both the in-line and staggered arrangement\nof fins have been analyzed by examining variations of the local and average Nusselt\nnumbers.\nResults: The maximum increase of the average Nusselt number is found to be around 36%\nfor pin finned plate as compared to a plain plate for the same operating conditions. This is\nobtained with optimal fin spacing of S


ARMEC - 2018